Misc Thread Creation Ettiquette


Le Presidente della Mariana Bay
Marianan ID
"What should I make a thread on?" A question that passes through the mind of many a user on the forum. However, before making a thread ask yourself these questions before going forward:
  • Is this topic already been discussed elsewhere?
  • Does this topic warrant its own thread? (I.e. stuff like a single picture or a long winded speech or poem that doesn't really define a particular thread topic or discussion)
  • Does my thread complie with the forum's rule?
By following this guidance you'll allow for not only older threads to find use again but also help the visibility of other's threads on the front page! Don't forget to prefix your threads also so other users know what it's all about briefly.
u rn
Rules Help Users
  • No one is chatting at the moment.
      There are no messages in the current room.