Mariana Bay

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  • Just moved some threads from forum updates to rules & info as many of them were submission or general info ones and I felt they belonged in the latter board than vice versa.
    Mariana Bay MC Server is up! Check the Mariana Bay minecraft server thread for info
    any of ye fags networking fags or know people who know about networking? doing some server shit with unraid and i certainly wouldnt mind some help
    New site feature has been cancelled due to being very underwhelming and not up to expectations in what it offered. It was suppose to add additional profile customisation but didn't do the job properly at all and ultimately myself and the mod team decided to scrap this addon. Maybe something similar will come along in the foreseeable future but for now we putting this idea on the backburner.
    Finally fixed the coloration of the mobile sidenav, no longer there's that out of place gray.
    OK, April Fools is over. Joke threads will be cleaned up and sent to The Gutter, and normal rules now apply.
    Please read for today to understand what's going on
    Forgot to mention: I have also cut down on more elements on the front page (Featured threads, new media and advertisments) to hopefully amend some concerns about the front page taking long for some people to load in. All this is accessible on the Classic style dw.
    I actually almost lost the random quote code due to the fuckery with the grid idea, thankfully had the code stored elsewhere.
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