Casual Introduce yourself!

Hi, I got referred to this site by a friend. I have various interests but manga, anime and mecha are what I've mainly been into as of late. That and actually fixing to watch/read/do something but wasting my day away online instead.
Based bro great to have you on board
Fishing, beer and listening to music.. I'm basically like your cooler older brother if you think about it
And you too fella, you seem really cool so far
Hey, I'm Null but you can call me T. or Nully (I do have other names that people gave me). I jack all trades but none came (master of none). I'd say I have a lot of interests, mainly in the obscure and niches of the internet, irl, or irl relating to the internet and vice versa, but don't expect me to explain it properly cause idk man ask someone else; go to youtube or reddit for that full explainer or something. But sometimes I can try. Sometimes.

I do adult swim inspired bumps too. There's some things I'm forgetting to say so you can ask me if you want, but don't expect me to write back right away.

I miss forums so bad. Also, send me any obscurities and niches (images, music, posts, you know the drill). Or le funnies. 1488299863323.jpg
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saw someone post a video on /wsg/ over on the boards and in it someone had a url to this site. been lurking for a few days and decided to post make an account because fuck it why not

im also heavily into firearms and into tech stuff, mainly on the software with I.T. shiz and all that

i also may have autism although im not so sure about that. will need further testing to see if i have if and if i can get a veteran's discount for that one


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Hello! I just joined recently and I love video games.

These days, I would say I'm mainly trying to play and find PS1/PS2 games that I was interested in when I was broke.
Recently, I was able to get God Hand, so that was pretty cool.
Sup sup fags. Saw the ad on /wsg/ comfy threads and decided to join up. Looks interesting to see whether this place will just stay a small community or grow in some kind of way.

I mostly enjoy drawing, browsing forums/imageboards, listening to electronic music (VSnares, Technical Itch, Aphex Twin) and rarely writing. Stopped nolifing vidya gayms a while ago, but I still occasionally play Metal Gear, Starsector, Rimworld, Arma and Fartnite whenever my friends decide it's time to hop on for the first time in 6 gorillion years. I like anthro girls and conspiracy theories.
Sup sup fags. Saw the ad on /wsg/ comfy threads and decided to join up. Looks interesting to see whether this place will just stay a small community or grow in some kind of way.

I mostly enjoy drawing, browsing forums/imageboards, listening to electronic music (VSnares, Technical Itch, Aphex Twin) and rarely writing. Stopped nolifing vidya gayms a while ago, but I still occasionally play Metal Gear, Starsector, Rimworld, Arma and Fartnite whenever my friends decide it's time to hop on for the first time in 6 gorillion years. I like anthro girls and conspiracy theories.
The only pfp that matters.
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