I come from the blackpill community, but we are changing to the whitepill, the whitepill (2025-2035) is mgtow and robowafus, the blackpill (2015-2025) was inceldom and looksmaxing.
The slav thing is because they have a different skull shape, they are hypsicranic just like the Chinese (just west slavs, east slavs/west Russians are orthocranic like western europeans, while jews are chamaecranic):
Here is a small look of my even bigger research:
Next up, in my opinion there are 9 human “species”. Each one can be identified with the maxillary depth angle (upper jaw prognathism):
1-Maxillary depth angle of 90°: Eurasianids (probably Homo Sapiens).
2-Maxillary depth angle of 91.25°: Eurasianoctoroonids (probably Homo Late Neanderthal).
3-Maxillary depth angle of 92.5°: Eurasianquadroonids (probably Homo Mid Neanderthal).
4-Maxillary depth angle of 93.75°: Eurasiantrioctoroonids (probably Homo Early Neanderthal).
5-Maxillary depth angle of 95°: Mulattids (probably Homo Denisovan).
6-Maxillary depth angle of 96.25°: Swahipapuabortrioctoroonids (probably Homo late Heidelberg).
7-Maxillary depth angle of 97.5°: Swahipapuaborquadroonids (probably Homo Mid Heidelberg).
8-Maxillary depth angle of 98.75°: Swahipapuaboroctoroonids (probably Homo Early Heidelberg).
9-Maxillary depth angle of 100°: Swahipapuaborid (probably Homo Peking).
Eurasia = Europe and Asia combined.
Swahipapuabor = Swahili, Papua and Aboriginal combined.
Each one of the 9 species above has 9 “subspecies”, each based on eyes canthal tilt (to become 81 subspecies), now i’m gonna show you the name of each canthal tilt:
1-Eyes canthal tilt of 0° = Occidentalid (indigenous West Eurasians, Indigenous South Australians and their inbetween mixtures).
Common traits: extremely strong body and facial hair. (i theorize: extremely strong alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: extremely strong hair loss in old age).
2-Eyes canthal tilt of 1.25° = Medioccidentoccid (indigenous Centralwest West Eurasians, Indigenous West Papuans and their inbetween mixtures).
Common traits: very strong body and facial hair. (i theorize: very strong alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: very strong hair loss in old age).
3-Eyes canthal tilt of 2.5° = Medioccidentmedid: Indigenous Centralwest Central Eurasians, Indigenous Centralwest West Papuans and their inbetween mixtures. Slightly strong body and facial hair. (i theorize: slightly strong alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: slightly strong hair loss in old age).
4-Eyes canthal tilt of 3.75° = Medioccidentorieid: Indigenous Centralwest East Eurasians, Indigenous Centralwest East Papuans and their inbetween mixtures. Barely strong body and facial hair. (i theorize: barely strong alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: barely strong hair loss in old age).
5-Eyes canthal tilt of 5° = Medialid: Indigenous Central Eurasians, Indigenous Central Papuans and their inbetween mixtures. Moderate body and facial hair. (i theorize: moderate alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: moderate hair loss in old age).
6-Eyes canthal tilt of 6.25° = Mediorientoccid: Indigenous Centraleast West Eurasians, Indigenous Centraleast West Papuans and their inbetween mixtures. Barely weak body and facial hair. (i theorize: barely weak alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: barely weak hair loss in old age).
7-Eyes canthal tilt of 7.5° = Mediorientmedid: Indigenous Centraleast Central Eurasians, Indigenous Centraleast East Papuans and their inbetween mixtures. Slightly weak body and facial hair. (i theorize: slightly weak alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: slightly weak hair loss in old age).
8-Eyes canthal tilt of 8.75° = Mediorientorieid: Indigenous Centraleast East Eurasians, Indigenous East Papuans and their inbetween mixtures. Very weak body and facial hair. (i theorize: very weak alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: very weak hair loss in old age).
9-Eyes canthal tilt of 10° = Orientalid: Indigenous East Eurasians, Indigenous Eastsouth Africans and their inbetween mixtures. Extremely weak body and facial hair. (i theorize: extremely weak alcohol tolerance)(i theorize: extremely weak hair loss in old age).