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Serious "Firearm replicas" dramas in Thailand


Marianan ID
Apr 10, 2023
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Scientology States of Hope County
So there's a temporary short-term bill that's coming out due to the latest mass shooting at Siam Paragon mall in my country
(This is gonna be nothing burger to most of you, but I don't give a shit if it is lol)

The story:
Some rich kid bought a blank gun and hired some people to modified it into a real gun and he also bought some ammos illegally.

This is the 3rd mass shooting this year. It's everywhere on the news (I don't watch the news but I heard about it from my community, because it affects me).


(ofc he's rocking a yankee cap like a champ lol)

What I'm gonna soy about:
So what I'm gonna soy about is the new temporary short-term bill that's coming out from this event. It basically states that:

"All blank-guns and BBairsoft-gun owners must take their gun and register them at the local government building, temporarily prohibits of selling firearms replicas and real firearms, temporarily prohibits a gun license issuing while the bill is still in effect and people under 20 cannot go to the gun range while the bill is still in effect."

Rant parts:
-In the minds of the perpetrator
-Blank Guns
-Politicians behind the bill/Similar situations
-Solution to the problem

In the minds of the perpetrator:
Most (((medias))) are saying that it's because of the videogames, but like always that's not the case.

Most if not all of the mass shootings happened because the perpetrator is a crazy or a psycho, and this is one of the case.

According to 'The Star' website, it stated:

"It was reported that the suspect's family typically stays in a condominium located in the Sathorn area. The residence that was searched is apparently visited by the family only once a month."

Which got me thinking: "This is not a videogame addict, this is a fucking crazy incel with money."

Sure, he like guns but so did I and my friends, but we don't make shooting headlines weekly.

The various evidences collected are as follows:
-7 spent shell casings of .22 calibre bullets.
-3 5.56 calibre bullets
-1 .45 calibre bullet
-5 spent shell casings of shotgun pellets
-2 spent shell casings of .357 calibre bullets
-1 spent shell casing of 9mm calibre bullet
-49 live rounds of 9mm calibre bullets
-1 silver BB Gun airsoft pistol.
-1 black airsoft pistol magazine
-1 target shooting paper sheet (airsoft gun target).

Apart from the illegal live rounds, the shell casings and everything else can be bought legally. Heck, even I have several shell casings I got online just to complete the "this is totally a warzone" look for my BB-gun shelf


Apart from the live rounds, the other evidence proved nothing, it's just thrown out there to discriminate bb-gun owners and players

Blank Guns:
The scary scary loud gun... that does not fire bullets. How the blank gun works is that it ignites the powder like a real gun because it has the hammer BUT it DOES NOT have an exit in the barrel and the barrel is blocked off from the inside. It also doesn't take any real rounds, only the custom made blank rounds which doesn't have any bullets in it (only shell and the powder), it will BREAK if it's not modified.

(The barrel is completely blocked-off from the inside so that it's safe to point at things while shooting or filming a scene (image source)

His gun that was used in the shooting was a blank gun, a MODIFIED blank gun which is ILLEGAL. You cannot modify your firearm replicas to shoot real bullets, and that also goes for most of the country in the world. The thing is that he paid some shady black market dudes to modify the gun barrel so that it takes real ammo and making it being able to shoot a projectile out front.

The fun hobby, heaven for LARPers and gamers alike. I'm not going to go on the sports itself but the equipment, yes, the GUNS.
Most of the people who have study/plays airsoft/bb-gun before knows very well that you CANNOT fire a real bullet from an airsoft-guns

-The gun will BREAK if the powder is detonated, it was not build to hold that much pressure like blank guns
-It does not have a firing pin to ignite the rounds
-The barrel is TOO SMALL for most bullets

An example of putting a real bullet into an airsoft gun:
Youtube Video Link

Airsoft, like in the name "Air"-soft

The gun itself uses the AIR to push out the small 6mm plastic ball weather it be gas or pressured air from the gearbox.

(An airsoft gearbox)
The only firing pin they have are mostly in the gas blowback airsoft guns, but then again it only strikes where the gas is which is NOWHERE close to the barrel of a traditional gun but rather the magazine mostly.

Politicians behind the bills/Similar situations:
The politicians behind the bill and the medias, they DO NOT know what they are talking about. Most of them have never seen one in person. It's like when American politicians trying to solve the situations after every shooting incidents by saying "HURRRR IT'S OK GUYS, WE'LL GET RID OF GUNS FOR YOU SO YOU CAN BE KILLED BY A BAD GUY WHO PROBABLY GOT IT FROM A BLACK MARKET!" (That is against the constitution in the U.S. by the way)


This is the guy who said "There are no such things as "Toy guns" anymore." (He does not look like a person who have touched any BB-guns before) and cocky prophetic shit like "It is a safe thing but with the knowledge and intelligence of the human race we modified it to be stronger and more dangerous" Even though other projectile weapons like crossbows and bow are unregulated and legal to own.

He haven't seen this....

On a serious note, I think EVERY government should actually put people that's experienced with the topics or at least get a comment from the people who's EXPEREINCED with the topic weather it be Guns, Sports, Development, Economy, etc. A soldier, a farmer, a blacksmith or any other jobs that's not about management. Those that doesn't know anything shouldn't run the government and try to make a dramatic changes promising that "whatever we do will work.", the last time the human race did that 94 millions have perished.

Another note is that they said that we NEED to get our TOY guns registered and they will give like a serial number for it. Now here's the problem, IF we modified our guns we will have to go to the registration again and that would just wastes time for the people who are working there. (Example: I want to put a foregrip on my gun, to the registry. 6 hours later I'm putting on an EOTech, to the registry. But then I decides to take it of and you guessed it, to the registry.)

Solution to the problem:
Literally just, don't do anything. It's that one guy who did the shooting not everyone with weapons. If you want to fix the problem like a modified blank guns then just make a law that requires you to need an id or a registration to buy a blank gun since it COULD be modified to fire real bullets because of the firing pin. But leave the airsoft communities alone, It is already small as it is.

The text in the image reads

"This is a BBgun in half (we don't call it airsoft since that's mouthful for us non-english speaking country) you can see that this is how it work, (Airsoft gun = pressured air gun) can you please don't group our beloved sports with the blank guns, It's not fair. #SAVEBBGUN"

I think so too, it really is not fair because it is LITERALLY nothing alike besides the looks.

On the note of safety:
Yes they are also dangerous if not handled properly, you know... like a kitchen knife. Do we have to regulate kitchen knives now? I don't think so. Most of the owners knows basic gun safety because of the sport, they know not to go outside with it waving them around in public.

At the end of the day I just wish that the bill will not be passed and if so I wish it expires faster than my opened can of corn in the corner of the bathroom.

Politicians are doo-doo heads

All talk, no action. My local airsoft field got investigated though, but nothing happens after that thankfully. Everyone at my field agreed that we're not gonna get them registered because it's not enforced and the government said that they're "Suggesting" us to get it registered.

So conclusion #2: Nothing ever happens


Marianan ID
Apr 10, 2023
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Scientology States of Hope County
Damn, even cracking down on gun rights in Thailand now?
On replicas specifically, the regular gun rights are almost identical to UK but you need to do like 3-5 papers for 1 gun and 2 for bullets

Also I'm from BELKA, CHUD.


Marianan ID
Apr 10, 2023
Reaction score
Scientology States of Hope County
WOWWWWWWWWWW I thought that this thread would be dead but NOPE! another retard HAD TO GO TO THE MALL AGAIN.
(This time is way less lethal tho.)

The Story:
On the 15th of Febuary some guy (same age as me BTW) went into the toilet in a mall and wait until around 21:00 (PS:This mall is literally 20 minutes away from my home) after the mall closed this guy came out with his kit and a replica pistol (mid-ass kit btw) security tackled him down and found another replica in his backpack (an AUG replica) they called the cops and had him arrested. The reason for this action is still unknown but they did some digging and found out that he has "Attention Deficit" (Nice word we used for Autistic) and living with "2 grandmas" (I don't know if they mean dad's side and mom's side or gay grannies.)

The part where I rant:
ANOTHER fucking retard have to make us looks bad (airsofters (I don't like LARPing on it anymore, mostly doing it for fun and doing it as a regular sport)) because the media said that it's an Airsoft/BBgun when it's a fucking nerf gun. They probably said it's a BBgun/Airsoft gun just because they found bbs in his wallet. (even if that's a BBgun that shit's a spring powered ones like a toy for kids, not the LARP grade ones.)

I'm probably Autistic and I do wear milsurp when I go outside from time to time, but wearing full kit with a FUCKING REPLICA is just stupid.

Pictures (Will blur out most of the faces because yes):
1708266729093.png 1708266755782.png 1708266791158.png
1708266803459.png 1708266814004.png 1708266846601.png

"Mission failed... We'll get em' next time..."

I guess this will be where I update the news about how unknowledgeable my people are about firearm replicas. But until someone does retarded stuff like this again, I'll be seeing you next time.


Marianan ID
Apr 10, 2023
Reaction score
Scientology States of Hope County

Literally guns that the governments would criminalize. I'm not sure if this is staged, HOWEVER the Australian government COULD HAVE stage it if they wanted to. (Seeing that they have the ability to stage this)

But in this case (the 1st post in the thread) is unlikely because we have no reason to ban guns at all in the first place because we've already have gay ass laws that requires people to do like 9 billion paperworks for bullets alone, and this one was committed with a blank gun which we have absolutely 0 reason to ban it.
And we also don't have the crazy expensive department that funds terrorism or killings like in the west, the worst we have is just corrupted politicians/police asking for bribes and fucking Juntas.

2nd one isn't a shooting, just me ranting about how that retard made me mad
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