I just want to grow marijuana and run a rabbit rescue in the woods. My climate controled bunny shed is going to be modled off the unabomber cabin.Out of all my articles in 10 years these two still get the most views and get re-linked all over the realm on random forums. Which is kinda funny. I might actually write a book on raising free range rabbits, even my old youtube would get 10-15k views a month on this subject before they deleted me. I love rabbits... and they are perfect for homesteading. Eat them when they over breed, and cuddle your breeders, easy win.
Growing Marijuana With Rabbit Poop
Raising Free Range Rabbits
Shes a strong, independent bun who don't need no manBreed her and then let her babies breed, then eat those babies. You don't eat your bro breeders my guy. Homesteading 101.