Mariana Bay

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High IQ The Poetry & Writings of the Hierophant


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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Above, where seated in his tower,
I saw Conquest depicted in his power
There was a sharpened sword above his head
That hung there by the thinnest simple thread.

This is from a perspective of a tyrannt, his character, personality, his view points of view and his ideals here are written. To he who would be tyrannt, for the evil that you do shall come back to you, but if you are wise in their eyes, you never fish for chestnuts in the fire with your hand, what you could have others do for you. This is a piece of wisdom which every tyrannt learns. If you would be fit you'll rule and reign, but he that looks into the abyss it to looks back.
Chapter 1
Of his character
"There are fifty-two cards in a deck, the devil hath more then the usual, all which are tricks he can play"
The tyrannt imposes, he is straightforward and does not fight those who he cannot push down. The rabbit runs, the fox must give chase after him; the foolish fox runs in a straight line, the wise fox makes his prey go to where he wants them to go. The tyrant imposing and yet weak within, must have strength of some kind, because this is not a matter of harmony it is a matter of "CONTROL". What one gains from control, he must have and hold it, nothing of his mind gives birth to life but aborted fetuses, why is this so? Because that which is natural a chemical which comes to be is not evil, but neutral what one whishes to do with it the intent is the decider the choice from the sentient being will decide what affect comes from the cause of his actions.

The tyrannt has these following design

So he thinks, (the thought come to light)
So he feels, (in him is contradiction)
So he acts. (he acts upon it regardless of his emotion)
In his mind there is a desire for three things:
Power - control - domination
Of these things he goes through inconceivable lengths to achieve his aims, yes he to abides by reason, but as a tool to his ends, he obeys the laws of reality only to the extent that when it comes time to break them he does so. The one thing the tyrannt cannot stand is that his life is control by the laws which the creator hath put in place, so because he cannot control, demand or dominate others, he curses the creator and shakes his fist in his face and cries out "Thou hast no power over me! Rather to reign in hell then server in heaven!" is his cry.

This is a piece of what is to come what say the many of you?


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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So far, I've had food to eat and a place to sleep, but what I've learned is to the core, we are not that likable that even though we were made for each other; we don't make life worth while for one another, you've heard it once, you've heard it twice that life sucks. But it sucks, because we made it so-now you ask me "what are you doing about it?" I'm trying to mainly get myself together philosophically and just in general trying to be more honest with myself. I don't want to be dead mentally or physically, I genuinely want to try living for myself.


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Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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Mephistopheles: Do I intrude upon thy rest?
Or would you care to talk?

Faust: What I’ve learned through your instruction
re-asserts again that big and small are only
the two sides to the one coin;
and that the elephant—for all his mighty strength—
is no different, basically, to the tiny flea.
So still I seek the force, the reason,
governing life’s flow,
and not just its external show.

Mephistopheles: The governing force? The reason?
Some things can’t be known;
they are beyond your reach even when shown.

Faust: Why should that be so?

Mephistopheles: They lie outside the boundaries
that words can address;
and man can only grasp those thoughts
which language can express.

Faust: What? Do you mean that words
are greater yet than man?

Mephistopheles: Indeed they are.

Faust: Then what of longing or affection;
pain or grief?
I can’t describe these,
yet I know they’re in my breast!
What are they?

Mephistopheles: Without substance, as mist is.

Faust: In that case, man is only air as well!
Er… [Pauses to look at script]
What has made me thirst, then,
To be instructed in those things
that are more than speech allows?

Mephistopheles: Your thirst is artificial,
fostered by the arrogance in you;
so look no further
than all your human brothers do:
sleep, eat, drink, and let that be sufficient.

Faust: Liar and foul traitor!
Where are the pulse and core of nature
you promised to reveal? Where?

Mephistopheles: Faustus, you lack the wit to see them
in every blade of grass.

Faust: Vile phantom! Lying fiend!

Mephistopheles: Faustus-worm!
Dare you rain curses down on me?
Now, spite and venom deeper than the sea
I’ll vent on you.

Faust: I’m learning
the Devil knows no more
than we poor fools.

Mephistopheles: The man who gives his soul
to Satan for instruction—
I would agree with you:
he is a poor fool.

Faust: As a guide to higher truths,
I really cannot recommend you.
And yet, says my contract,
signed in blood,
you still remain
constrained to serve me!
Serve me, then.
I will make use of your deceptive guile
and your Satanic anger.

Mephistopheles: Both will I put at your disposal.


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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Dear old friend,
dear old friend,
How you came, passed and went.

Tears we cried,
Hid in lies,
We're but passing shadows.

Dear old friend,
dear old friend,
the smartest rat I have met.

The joys we had,
the time we met,
All but passing shadows.

Goodbye friend,
Goodbye friend,
Time is up since we've met.
Oh! My dearest shadow!​


Hells Janitor
Marianan ID
Apr 8, 2023
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been meaning to watch this when you put it into your bio i guess i now have a valid reason


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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We spend much time asking why where here,
is there not a practical answer to HOW we got here?
The only thing when I think and see with my eyes are the two fools when I look inside.

Your mom and dad is how it came to be;
lets see the results of their lives before your time?

When mom and dad met they never asked what was going on around them,
if you ask them of old events they’ll tell you this or that occurred,
but look at how they persist without a thought.

When your mom and dad did it,
did they ever reflect the consequences that would come from it?
Now here you are because of what they did,
what is now the result?

They call you an obligation though they brought you here,
they had no business under the sheets, yet call you a burden.
They think their justified because they fed you and cleaned you
for some reason you have a debt to pay;
for something that passes when you close your eyes.

So how do parents get by with these absurdities?
They lie and fool themselves.
Want to see how good a job they did?
Lets see their child now and see how he’s doing.

The world around him is burning,
yet he apathetically say’s “worry for your own”
He indulges in pleasures and thinks it normal.
He works, works, works-
for if he doesn’t he’s considered a jerk and a low life.

What quality parents he had?


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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Colonel : To begin with — we’re not what you’d call — human. Over the past two hundred years — A kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of the White House. It’s not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago. The White House was our primordial soup, a base of evolution — We are formless. We are the very discipline and morality that Americans invoke so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this nation exists, so will we.

Raiden : Cut the crap! If you’re immortal, why would you take away individual freedoms and censor the Net?

Rose : Jack, don’t be silly.

Colonel : Don’t you know that our plans have your interests — not ours — in mind?

Raiden : What?

Rose : Jack, listen carefully like a good boy!
Colonel : The mapping of the human genome was completed early this century. As a result, the evolutionary log of the human race lay open to us.

Rose : We started with genetic engineering, and in the end, we succeeded in digitizing life itself.

Colonel : But there are things not covered by genetic information. Raiden : What do you mean?

Colonel : Human memories, ideas. Culture. History.

Rose : Genes don’t contain any record of human history.

Colonel : Is it something that should not be passed on? Should that information be left at the mercy of nature?

Rose : We’ve always kept records of our lives. Through words, pictures, symbols… from tablets to books…

Colonel : But not all the information was inherited by later generations. A small percentage of the whole was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes, really.

Rose : That’s what history is, Jack.

Colonel : But in the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible.

Rose : Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander…

Colonel : All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate.

Rose : It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution.

Colonel : Raiden, you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship.

Raiden : Are you telling me it’s not!?

Rose : You’re being silly! What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.

Raiden : Create context?

Colonel : The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards the development of convenient half-truths. Just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you.

Rose : Billions spent on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans.

Colonel : Rights of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their victims.

Rose : Although there are people suffering in poverty, huge donations are made to protect endangered species. Everyone grows up being told the same thing.

Colonel : “Be nice to other people.”

Rose : “But beat out the competition!”

Colonel : “You’re special.” “Believe in yourself and you will succeed.”

Rose : But it’s obvious from the start that only a few can succeed…

Colonel : You exercise your right to “freedom” and this is the result. All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt. The untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems.

Rose : Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever “truth” suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.

Colonel : The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.

Rose : Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in “truth.”

Colonel : And this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Rose : We’re trying to stop that from happening.

Colonel : It’s our responsibility as rulers. Just as in genetics, unnecessary information and memory must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species.

Raiden : And you think you’re qualified to decide what’s necessary and not?

Colonel : Absolutely. Who else could wade through the sea of garbage you people produce, retrieve valuable truths and even interpret their meaning for later generations?

Rose : That’s what it means to create context.

Raiden : I’ll decide for myself what to believe and what to pass on! Colonel : But is that even your own idea?

Rose : Or something Snake told you?

Colonel : That’s the proof of your incompetence, right there. You lack the qualifications to exercise free will.

Raiden : That’s not true! I have the right —

Rose : Does something like a “self” exist inside of you?

Colonel : That which you call “self” serves as nothing more than a mask to cover your own being.

Rose : In this era of ready-made ‘truths’, “self” is just something used to preserve those positive emotions that you occasionally feel…

Colonel : Another possibility is that “self” is a concept you conveniently borrowed under the logic that it would endow you with some sense of strength…

Raiden : That’s crap!

Colonel : Is it? Would you prefer that someone else tell you? Alright then. Explain it to him.

Rose: Jack, you’re simply the best! And you got there all by yourself!

Raiden : Grrr…

Colonel : Oh, what happened? Do you feel lost? Why not try a bit of soul-searching?

Rose : Don’t think you’ll find anything, though…

Colonel : Ironic that although “self” is something that you yourself fashioned, every time something goes wrong, you turn around and place the blame on something else.

Rose : “It’s not my fault. It’s not your fault.”

Colonel : In denial, you simply resort to looking for another, more convenient “truth” in order to make yourself feel better.

Rose : Leaving behind in an instant the so-called “truth” you once embraced.

Colonel : Should someone like that be able to decide what is “truth”?

Rose : Should someone like you even have the right to decide?

Colonel : You’ve done nothing but abuse your freedom.

Rose : You don’t deserve to be free!

Colonel : We’re not the ones smothering the world. You are.

Rose : The individual is supposed to be weak. But far from powerless — a single person has the potential to ruin the world.

Colonel : And the age of digitized communication has given even more power to the individual. Too much power for an immature species.

Rose : Building a legacy involves figuring out what is wanted, and what needs to be done for that goal. All this, you used to struggle with. Now, we think for you.

Colonel : We are your guardians after all.

Raiden : You want to control human thought? Human behavior?

Colonel : Of course. Anything can be quantified nowadays. That’s what this exercise was designed to prove.

Rose : You fell in love with me just as you were meant to, after all. Isn’t that right, Jack?

Colonel : Ocelot was not told the whole truth, to say the least.

Rose : We rule an entire nation — of what interest would a single soldier, no matter how able, be to us?

Colonel : The S3 Plan does not stand for Solid Snake Simulation. What it does stand for is Selection for Societal Sanity…


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Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
Reaction score
All governments that came to pass,
are now covered in dirt and grass.

Everything that came has went,
all that was said and conveyed:
being spoken long ago.

All men soon become rotten,
eventually forgotten by time.

No matter how great & mighty
Caesar was;
or reasonable Socrates is.
All had the same fate of dust.

Have you ever felt there was something amiss in the world? Like there was something you could not put your finger on, but you knew all to well that when you observed people their behavior was mechanical or inhuman even as though there was no one present or in existence within the body that was talking to you?

When you saw the vast world you see animals and yet for an odd reason despite the grand variety they all eat each other for sustenance? Why must the cat eat the mouse, why must the the gold fish die? Why must I grow old, perish. What was it all but a bad dream?

people who will rant and rave, foam out the mouth that you are a bad person for things you knew nothing about and told that if you did not submit yourself to this or that holy text you were either an ignoramus or a fool?

When you tell others the truth its as if you pulled out their teeth without a pain killer to sooth the pain and yet they tell you "that's rude" or "don't say things like that" despite knowing you were clearly correct in your observation of what you heard, saw or felt?

You know somethings wrong, when you read about the history of man you read of experiments, holocaust, burning and lynching's, segregations, possession and yet as you sit from your chair all this happened. You have a date, a moment from which it claims occurred, but for some odd reason as you sit from your chair you ask yourself can this all happen? Did this really happen? And it all happened at that moment as it occurred in that moment in time yet seeming no different from the moment you read that passage, walked that dog, made that conversation. All happening in the moment outside of of your perception of time, which when you think about it, the numbers aren't physical like nature, but upon clocks, buildings and watches and yet somehow no where to be found in reality in the same manner in which we are bound.
Marianan ID
Apr 2, 2023
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Dwayne's Basement, Mariana Bay
Babe micromanaging threads is a sign of the devouring mother, so lose the soy and keep the tiddies please. Happy thanks giving big momma
Happy Thanksgiving to you too but back to the point, what I'm doing is literally anti-spam measures that every other forum does, a thread is made when someone wants to discuss a certain topic and this isn't a topic, its a story which already has a thread dedicated to writings like it. I'm not even censoring what you post and am simply redirecting it to where it belongs as posting threads that shouldn't be threads hurts actual thread visibility which isn't fair on other users and their conversations.

Please just respect this going forwards, what I've stated is in the rules and it really ain't hard to follow.


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
Reaction score
Happy Thanksgiving to you too but back to the point, what I'm doing is literally anti-spam measures that every other forum does, a thread is made when someone wants to discuss a certain topic and this isn't a topic, its a story which already has a thread dedicated to writings like it. I'm not even censoring what you post and am simply redirecting it to where it belongs as posting threads that shouldn't be threads hurts actual thread visibility which isn't fair on other users and their conversations.

Please just respect this going forwards, what I've stated is in the rules and it really ain't hard to follow.
No worries chicken strip. Now go make me a plate.


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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Adam looked around at the world God had made for him. Was it just a place to eat and sleep? Was it just a place to work with strength of body and skill of band? Adam at first did not even think about eating or sleeping, and be had no need of working. He only thought, "What strange things I see and hear! They are all mine, but what are they?"

Reaching up he touched the leaves. Bending down he felt the grass and smelled the warm earth and the flowers. In the sky he saw the sun move to the zenith and begin to descend again. In the shadow of the woods he saw the animals playing, and in the boughs he heard the song of birds.

As he examined each strange thing, touched it, listened to it, be began to understand its nature. The lion was different from the rabbit; yet every rabbit was the same as every other rabbit, and every lion was the same as every other lion. In his mind Adam formed a name for each thing he saw and understood, a mental word that stood for the nature of the thing. "The man named all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all the beasts of the field, but he found no helper like himself" (Gen. 2:20).

At first Adam was not surprised that he was the only one of his kind, the only thing with a human nature. He knew that he was very different from the animals about him. He understood that they were interested only in food and their families. Adam was interested in all things, in just looking at the universe and trying to understand it. It seemed to him that he could never tire of exploring the world about him, particularly because he had begun to realize that God, who made so great a world, must be still more great. Sea and sky had their limits, but there was no boundary to the everlasting wonder of God. How could he ever finish exploring the mystery of God? Would there be a day when God would finally let Adam see him face to face? There was only one God, and Adam knew that it was in God's image that he had been made. Why then was it so strange that just as there was only one God, so there was only one man?

Adam realized that in being king over the world about him, he must imitate God, who is the King and Father of all things. How could Adam be king and father to his world? He could not create it anew, but at least he could keep it in perfect order. He could tend the garden, watch over the animals; but how could he share the greatest of all gifts which God had shared with him, namely, wisdom and understanding? The animals could not share this wisdom and understanding with Adam. If only Adam had children of his own kind to whom he might be a father as God was Father to him, children whom he might teach to understand the wonder of the world, and the infinite wonder of God!

After sleeping on this problem, Adam awoke to find a companion at his side whom God had made for him to be his helper in raising a family of his own. Adam understood that this was Eve, "the mother of all the living" (Gen. 3:20). Adam and Eve were to share the world together, to be its king and queen. How could they also share each other's thoughts? Adam had named all things in his mind with mental words or concepts. Some of these were proper names, like the name of Eve, each belonging to a single thing. Others were common names, representing a universal concept, as the name, "woman," or "lion," or "bird." These were in Adam's mind, but he did not know at first how to teach them to Eve.

Around them be heard the animals calling, some with squeaks and growls and some in song. Adam understood these signs which the animals made by instinct. They were natural signs because there was a natural connection between the sign and the thing it stood for. When Adam saw the footprint of a lion, he knew that this was the natural sign that a lion had passed by. When be heard the lion's roar, he knew that this was the natural sign that the lion was hungry. At first Adam and Eve themselves may have used only such natural signs. They smiled at each other to show their love; they pointed or cried out to call each other's attention. This natural language was enough for the animals who had only their feelings to talk about. Adam and Eve, however, wanted to talk over all the things that interested them. Eve saw a lion and turned with questioning eyes to Adam. "What is it?" her eyes said. Adam wanted to explain it to her, to tell her what he had learned about the nature of the lions. He longed to tell her about all the things he had explored; about his plans for the future; above all about God their Father, who had made this world and whom he hoped they might some day see face to face. Natural signs were not enough to say all this, and Adam, with Eve's agreement, began to invent new sounds to stand for the natures of everything he knew. These spoken words were not natural signs, but signs whose meaning came from agreement, conventional signs.

Adam in this new language taught Eve all that he knew about the world and God, and she listened in delight. Adam explained it all so clearly! Still there was one thing he said that puzzled her. He said that God had given them the whole world to know and use, but bad forbidden them to taste the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When she asked why , Adam explained that he did not know why God had given them this command, but that he was sure that it must be for a good reason. In fact, it was because God wished to test them. He wanted to give them soon the greatest knowledge of all, the most wonderful secret. He wanted to let them see him face to face so that their happiness might be complete, since all the beauty of the world is only a sign of God's perfect beauty. This gift he intended to give them as the reward of their obedience and trust.

They did not earn their reward. Eve one day listened to another teacher, not to Adam, and that teacher was the evil one, "who is a liar and the father of lies" (Jn. 8:45). The devil suggested to Eve the wicked idea that God had forbidden them to eat of the tree because he wished to keep men in ignorance lest they become his equals. If Eve had asked Adam, he would have explained how impossible it was for their heavenly Father to be envious of his children. But Eve did not wait to ask Adam about what the serpent said. Curiously she ate of the fruit, and then persuaded Adam that, since she had already eaten, he must join her.

After they were cast out of their garden into the wilderness, they found life very hard. Adam had to work all day to keep his family alive. He had little time any longer to explore the wonders of the world and little time to give to Eve and the children. Eve too was kept busy all day keeping the children clothed and fed; she was often tired and impatient with them. Their minds filled with a thousand

worries and their hearts with restless hunger and anger, Adam and Eve often misunderstood each other and quarreled. Their children grew up missing much that Adam might have taught them, if he had had more time and if there had been more peace at home. The children of Adam and Eve grew up without that clear and wonderful vision of the world their parents once possessed. To these boys and girls life seemed rather puzzling and often very dull.

Today we "poor banished children of Eve" also find the world pretty hard to understand. Often we give up trying to understand it and are content to be ignorant and bored. Who is there to teach us the answers? Many false teachers in television, movies, books, and newspapers give us lying answers when we look for the truth. To get back the beautiful vision of truth and reality which God gave to Adam and Eve we will have to study very hard.


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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Living in the wilderness the family of Adam and Eve and all their descendants struggled to recover their lost heritage of knowledge and their lost control over nature. Their life was probably a great deal like that of savage peoples of today, the jungle people of Africa, the desert people of Australia, or some of our own American Indians.

Yet even such savage people have discovered many arts of making a living and recreation. They honor as heroes those who invented these arts and taught them to their tribes. In the book of Genesis it is recalled that Cain and Abel, two of the sons of Adam and Eve, soon learned to earn the necessities of life by their skill. "Abel was a keeper of flocks and Cain a tiller of the soil" (Gen. 4:2). Soon they were not content with bare necessities, for we read that among the descendants of Cain there was a man named Jabel who "was the forerunner of those who dwell in tents and have flocks. His brother's name was Jubal; he was the forerunner of all who play the harp and the flute" (4:20-21). Thus there were not only useful arts for the food, shelter and clothing that men require for life itself, but also arts of recreation, like music, which men needed to enjoy life and to live well.

At times these savages seemed as poor and ignorant as the animals about them, and yet it took great intelligence to discover and develop any of these arts. It had been easy enough for Adam and Eve to pluck fruit from trees in the garden of Eden, but to earn a living in the wilderness was difficult, and that is why arts were required. To discover even so simple an art as making a tent, a savage bad to figure out four things:

1. He had to fix clearly before him his purpose or end, exactly what he was trying to accomplish: to make something that would keep out the rain, yet let out the smoke from the fire, and which could be easily moved.

2. He had to picture what the form or pattern of such a tent would be like.

3. He had to decide out of what material it would be suitable to make it.

4. He had to find the power and instruments to cut, shape and fasten this material.
As time went by, men discovered how to use even very difficult materials. "Tubalcain was the forerunner of those who forge vessels of bronze and iron" (4:22).

Nor were the savages content to live their lives in mere work and occasional recreation. Men cannot be content with the things that satisfy mere animals. Adam and Eve had found their greatest happiness in exploring the world, and in friendship with each other and with God. Cain killed Abel because he was jealous of Abel's friendship with God which Cain himself had not deserved. Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, had a son named Enos, who taught men how to pray rightly to God. When men pray to the true God and seek to do his will so that they can serve him perfectly, they also want to know the truth about the world which God has given them. Throughout ancient times some men pondered on the law of God and recovered something of the wisdom which Adam had possessed.

Yet as the human race was scattered over the world, those living in small groups without wiser men to teach them sometimes became almost like animals in their way of living. Others developed many arts, but also tried to gain still more power by the practice of magic and the worship of the evil spirits. Gradually their ideas of God became clouded and colored by their own cruelties, lusts, and ambitions. Some of them worshipped not God, their Father in heaven, but the earth, which they thought of as their mother who had given birth to them and to whom they would return at death. As they forgot the true God, so their ideas about human conduct and the world of nature in which they lived became twisted and strange.

All over the world these savage people have left their traces: the stone tools which they made, the pictures they painted in the caves, even their living descendants in the backwoods and corners of the world. The simplest and oldest of these tribes which remain today still remember the true God, but many have ideas and customs which seem like a nightmare of fear, cruelty, and impurity.

When the human race had sunk very low, God brought disasters upon men, such as the great flood recorded in Genesis, to warn them that they must turn back to seek him or be extinguished. After this warning he promised that he would let the human race develop once more and strive to rise again to the glory it bad lost.


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
Reaction score
Man looks to and fro,
for things he does not know.
Yet all the answers he looks for-
instead are right within the few cubic centimeters
within his head!

So why look near or far,
when the answer is within what you are.
A thinking being you were made to be,
look not for illusions or create delusions
within your own being.
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