Gaming Semi-obscure vidya you've genuinely enjoyed playing


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Marianan ID
In this thread I'd like to share my personal favorite obscure/unpopular vidyas. Feel free to reply with your own, don't forget to give a quick review/description/criticism. Screenies and gameplay footage is appreciated.

Starsector - a bastard child of Mount & Blade and Stellaris

Sci-Fi based RPG, everything Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous and perhaps even Starfield (?) have dreamt of becoming. A game with true freedom. You are a fleet captain, capable of surveying far-off reaches of the sector, smuggling drugs, conducting planetary warfare, brutally manipulating the economy for your goals, doing mercenary work and even colonizing planets yourself, creating your own empire or serving one of the present superpowers, or scavenging the massive battlefields for profit.

Each ship and your fleet is 100% customizable for your specific needs, you are able to transform a cargo ship into a carrier, a light scouting frigate into a high-speed hit-and-run assault spacecraft. At your disposal, there are tons of weapons, lasers, rockets, classic ballistic weaponry or drones.

You have to manage your resources and be generally smart about the way you play. There are tons and tons of various modifications, capable of transforming the game into 4x strategy or just adding new ships and tech, such as the ability to transform fuel tankers into flying IEDs.

There is a more in-depth review of the game on YouTube, made by SsethTzeentach
Punch club.
If you are an 80s guy, you will find it fun with all the references and easter eggs, though in gameplay aspects it is just a comical micro-management shit game.
I know a few porn games I no-lifed back in '21 , not sharing them though gatekeeping that shit. Also this one indie game called powder toy where you make shit blow up with nukes and shit
>obscure games
ow buckle your fuckers

1. Hype: the time quest
Afaik i got it on one of those freebie discs from a pc stuff newspaper
I think i played it last time 4 years ago, it's unorinically good

But ok, from the start
It's an adventure game made by ubisoft in collab with playmobil. Yup, that playmobil that makes those kid toys.
Game itself has quite solid idea. You're sent back in time by 3 generations and have to travel in time to beat the bad guy. Map has a single layout, but thanks to that time traveling each "age" has a different feeling to it. There's a bit to that time travel. In couple of quests your actions influence the future etc. Or being on a good terms with npc A can give you extra perks from npc a's kid in next age.
Controls are god awful, however, soundtrack and ambience aged really well. It's a bit of a hassle to get it running on win10, but it's a comfy 6-8 hours of playing

2. Supreme Commander
How tf 8yo me got my hands on such a good strategy game ?
It as a freebie. This time from a graphics card that my dad bought.

I don't want to bore you with a plot. It's a spiritual successor to "total anihilation". Released in ealt 2007. Tho, if you want to try it, head for the expansion pack - forged alliance. It includes a lot of QOL improvements. Most jarring is UI that actually hides when you click away !
There's still an alive online community. Forged Alliance Forever. Small circle of absolute RTS tryhards. I mostly avoid the multiplayer just because I'm ass in RTS. However, this "community mod" allows you to play through campain and community made missions in coop with frens.

3. Red Faction
ow my beloved.

FPS released in 2001. Took the world by the storm thanks to its desctuction engine, it allowed to destroy pretty much every piece of the enviorment.
Game itself is about a rebelion on mars. What seemed like an easy cash for some time in mines on foreign planet, turns out to be an absolute abuse camp with no way out. So miners revolt. Together with you. fighting their way out from the planet. Overthrowing one of the biggest space mining corpos at the same time lol
Suprisingly hard, I suppose that's how games were back then. Still has suprisingly active modding scene. Honorable mention to kava. a prequel mod. that expands on the lore of the whole revolt

There are so many more I want to write about holy fuck
Bullet round !

4. Deadcore
Futuristic looking 3d platformer with heavy emphasis on speedruning and replaying it to unlock new paths to the top.
Some gameplay if you want to get a feeling for it here

5. Orwell
Become a "civil safety" officer in a futuristic dystopia where every single interaction is tracked by the government.
So just like in real life
Browse people personal messages, connect the dots and arrest everyone that's a danger to your employer.
It has a sequel, which expands on the mechanics and adds a lot in the field of "public manipulation". I never actually finished the sequel....

6. Get to the orange door
Flashy movement shooter. Looks stunning on gameplay videos... but that's about it. I gave it couple of hours. It sure is flashy, it sure has those satisfying "clicks" and times when everything comes together. But this game is a mess. There's close to no explanation on the mechanics and what you're supposed to do. I suppose it has rouge like thing to it ? You're choosing a loadout and you have multiple save files so each can be played slightly differently

7. A story about my uncle
Not much to say. Comfy 3-4h 3d platformer game focused on grappling hooks

8. Kingdom: Classic
It actually grew to a whole series ? dammm

2D sidescrolling strategy game with a lot of resource management and the best pixel art I think I ever saw. lovely ambient soundtrack. Game itself is quite hard, I don't think I ever managed to finish it.
Another on the list to replay...

I think that concludes my list. Sorry for adding some "obvious" games. Enjoyed every single one from the list, and now that I made this list, I think it's time to replay them again
Some Artsy-Fartsy games that I got a kick out of;

Star Fetchers Pilot episode + demo for episode 1: both are free on steam, game is yet to release but I guarantee once it does it will be the next big indie hit a la undertale. Gameplay is a little lacking but honestly isn't the focus. The visuals, music, and humor are all phenomenally done. It has some genuinely good satirical moments too. The best comparison I can make that will give it justice is Fooly Cooly in Detroit. A short and sweet experience.
Dujanah: RPG-maker game that mixes middle eastern culture with internet politics featuring a surreal clay-mation art style, amazing original music, and a lot of meta humor.
Hylics 1 + 2: are pretty well known nowadays but still a good mention, very similiar RPG-maker clay-mation game but bumping up the surrealism 100 percent, the second game has a relatively massive jump up in production and vision too. I would call it a "whimsical experience."
Post Void: Super High Intensity Epileptic Clusterfuck of non-stop adrenaline and dopamine. I haven't ever had a game ever make me feel like im on meth like this one has. Once the game "clicks" your brain just starts using pure reflex instinct as you are going mach jesus through narrow corridors and killing anything in your way.
Gregory Horror Show babeyyyy

It's a PS2 horror puzzle game made by Capcom and its a short but genuinely enjoyable ride while it lasts, very unique and somewhat challenging at times but a lot of fun nevertheless, series comes from the same makers of Pecola if anyone remembers that.

Holy shit, this just came back to me: anyone remember Zubo? It was like EA's flagship kid friendly game for when the DS came out and it actually rocked, it was kinda like a rhythm RPG game with how the battle system worked and the animations and character inspirations within it were just awesome. Shame these days it's a pain in the arse to emulate due to its overall reliance on the bottom touchscreen but if you can find a copy for cheap and have an old DS laying around it's worth the time playing through it

For my last obscure game, I once played this game called Doshin The Giant, a weird God sim made by Nintendo where you go around as a big yellow banana man and decide the fate of a few island people. Its "interesting" I'll say that, it was initially made for the 64DD to show off the capabilites of the system but was moved to the Gamecube due to the 64DD being a flop and as a general tech demo game it ain't bad and introduces some interesting concepts, just ain't anything too special...
Holy shit, this just came back to me: anyone remember Zubo? It was like EA's flagship kid friendly game for when the DS came out and it actually rocked, it was kinda like a rhythm RPG game with how the battle system worked and the animations and character inspirations within it were just awesome. Shame these days it's a pain in the arse to emulate due to its overall reliance on the bottom touchscreen but if you can find a copy for cheap and have an old DS laying around it's worth the time playing through it

I haven't heard of it, but the style heavily reminds me of fucking MySims. Came out in 2008 too.
To give a short description, i'd say it's Animal Crossing but better, despite lacking furry girls. You actually build houses and furnish them with stuff that you make yourself out of materials you can gather in the game world.
It also had a bunch of weird spin-offs/DLCs, like MySims Party, MySims Agents, MySims Mobile, MySims SkyHeroes, MySims Medieval... I'm assuming EA attempted to make a new big franchise out of it, on-par with it's older brothers SimCity and Sims, but they failed miserably, judging by the fact that nobody remembers it all that much.
I might be looking at it through pink glasses of nostalgia, but that game might be the most soulful and comfy I've played. I can feel it was made with some degree of love. New generation won't ever experience something like this.
I haven't heard of it, but the style heavily reminds me of fucking MySims. Came out in 2008 too.
To give a short description, i'd say it's Animal Crossing but better, despite lacking furry girls. You actually build houses and furnish them with stuff that you make yourself out of materials you can gather in the game world.
It also had a bunch of weird spin-offs/DLCs, like MySims Party, MySims Agents, MySims Mobile, MySims SkyHeroes, MySims Medieval... I'm assuming EA attempted to make a new big franchise out of it, on-par with it's older brothers SimCity and Sims, but they failed miserably, judging by the fact that nobody remembers it all that much.
I might be looking at it through pink glasses of nostalgia, but that game might be the most soulful and comfy I've played. I can feel it was made with some degree of love. New generation won't ever experience something like this.
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Brooo I remember My Sims, it had so much soul and though it lacked some of the customisation of previous sims games it made up for it with charm. You're right though when you say it ultimately flopped and no one barely remembers it, I can't even barely remember what you even did in it other than collect resources and helping with chores now looking back. It was awesome though and I ought to check it out one of these days again when I can as it was fun from what I can remember.

On a side note: damn, I'm surprised the games were on PS3 and Xbox360 too, they even crossed over with Dead Space lol

This was probably the best movie tie in game of it's time. Still has some of the best animation work of the era with actual mocap from many of the original actors from the movies!

This was probably the best movie tie in game of it's time. Still has some of the best animation work of the era with actual mocap from many of the original actors from the movies!

I remember playing this one as a kid and having a real blast with it. I actually still have the original GameCube game disc and instruction manual. I'll take better pictures of the manual when I've got more time.
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Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters
This is a racing game for PC, it would have a dreamcast version but it was canceled. I got this game as a prize in a kellogg's cereal box

For some reason, some pc versions dont have music in the stages while others have. My version dont have music in the stages, but it have in the menu screen.
Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters
This is a racing game for PC, it would have a dreamcast version but it was canceled. I got this game as a prize in a kellogg's cereal box

For some reason, some pc versions dont have music in the stages while others have. My version dont have music in the stages, but it have in the menu screen.

God dam those futuristic looking racing games from the end of the XX century
Just reminded me of balistics

I have very few memories of it. afaik my dad got it for me so I can "play smth and be quiet for a bit". I think I remember it has some single player mode with actual progression / vehicle updates and such. I'm curious if I can run it on a modern OS
Brooo I remember My Sims, it had so much soul and though it lacked some of the customisation of previous sims games it made up for it with charm. You're right though when you say it ultimately flopped and no one barely remembers it, I can't even barely remember what you even did in it other than collect resources and helping with chores now looking back. It was awesome though and I ought to check it out one of these days again when I can as it was fun from what I can remember.

On a side note: damn, I'm surprised the games were on PS3 and Xbox360 too, they even crossed over with Dead Space lol

>Goes to that one guy's house next to you
>Eats his food
>Sleep in his bed
>Fishes all day or build shitty chairs

That's my gameplay loop
God dam those futuristic looking racing games from the end of the XX century
Just reminded me of balistics

I have very few memories of it. afaik my dad got it for me so I can "play smth and be quiet for a bit". I think I remember it has some single player mode with actual progression / vehicle updates and such. I'm curious if I can run it on a modern OS

it works on win 10 fine ish.

It installs, boots without any issues. There's single race / campaign / shop with upgrades, pretty much as I remember it.
Now to issues.
Game crashes every time during single race. 50/50 chance of a crash during a campaign race, which means you need to redo 5 race long campaign from the start. UI in shop is confusing, and worst of all... it's just not that fun. It's pretty much what's on that video. Ride in a tube and press "left" "right" "booster" till you do 3 laps.
Races themselves feel inconsistent, as if some global float value was going off the longer you play. Hitboxes for obstacles get bigger, your vehicle comes to a stop, even though you still have some speed left. Damage from hittng obstacles either does nothing, or instaltly kills you. It might be all due to win 10. Running it in "compatibility mode" helped a bit. This game just needs an older OS
Shadow of the destiny 91UWjnN29cL._SY445_.jpg
In this game the main character is killed at the beginning without much explanation, however he is resurrected by a homunculus. That same homunculus gives you a digipad that allows you to go back in time, to try to avoid your murder and to solve the mystery of who is trying to murder you and why. As the game deals with time travel, history is already expected to be full of plotholes. The protagonist is also stupid like a door, which is stressful.
Another one I'd like to add up would be Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. It's pretty fucking cool seeing a game that's technically a part of the strategy series (HOMM) be a first person "shooter", I think there was some command & conquer game that did it too.

Gameplay of Dark Messiah is a Jackie Chan movie, but with 10x brutality. You can slash heads off, kick your enemies off the mountains like it's fuckin Sparta, bait them into water then electrocute them, poison them, burn them alive and throw props to stun 'em and kill them with arrows. All of this, obviously was done on the supreme game engine: Source.

The lore is pretty alright but it's nothing exactly worth remembering. TLDR you're some apprentice going on an adventure sent by your teacher, but you keep constantly getting attacked by medieval necromancer CIA, you find a waifu but she and you find out that you are a son of the demon lord and true intentions of your mission is to reach and unleash him, all while a succubus attempts brainwashing you so you join le dark side. There are multiple endings, depending on your choice.

This game, also, was made by fucking Arkane. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
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