- #41
Sounds quite interesting. Where have you found this information out? Any interesting books or articles on the subject? I'm interested in learning more about this.basically. around 1850, some (((very powerful people))) started accumulating wealth via satanic rituals and were able to sort of create a matrix of sorts via the industrial revolution. darwin, marx and their followers (the "intellectual class") started moving toward depoplation and slavery.
In the 1850s, "science" started teaching that the world was for the elites and the rest of us were just taking up space and resources and thus things like evolution, racialism, industrial slavery all started coming into play in a way the world had never seen. Suddenly, the mainstream belief taught in schools was not history as documented as all cultures across the world, but that the earth was a made up number of years old and you are nothing but an accidental monkey who means nothing. Nothing special or amazing or unique about you, you're a monkey who will work until you die so the royals can maintain their lifestyle
It's not concrete but I do somewhat believe that humans could have telepathic abilities or a hidden sixth sense. Modern science still can't explain the abnormal quantum coherence of both neurons and photosynthesis (unrelated) - could be linked to consciousness and information exchange through a morphic field. The fractal structure of microtubules inside neurons may allow them and cells generally to act as a fractal transmitter-receiver for electromagnetic waves which may give credence to things like remote viewing or telepathy (or even telekinesis) if you view these as transmitting and receiving of electromagnetic waves. I think this also leads to a more profound link between electric gradients and physiology rather than genetics doing the heavy lifting - see 'Bioelectricity'. The modern world is full of electromagnetic pollution and interference; certain physiological or neurological states could potentially be induced in a population remotely through EM waves manipulation imo. I think that's the natural progression of mind control techniques, there's no way it just stopped at MKUltra in the 70s. Some of the techniques must be so sophisticated that we couldn't fathom them and I'm sure they're being employed on a large scale.