Mariana Bay

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Event Mariana Bay Turns 1!


Le Presidente della Mariana Bay
Marianan ID
Mar 31, 2023
Reaction score
Mariana Bay
Mariana Bay Turns 1!


Thanks to Robelle for the art (
Yup, not only is it Easter but also the Mariana Bay's birthday! It's crazy the forum has turned one as time feels like it has flown by and now here we are on this fateful anniversary of the forum's existence. First off, I'd like to thank all who have contributed to the forum so far, new and old, as you guys are what have motivated me to keep this forum running to this point; without you we wouldn't have got to where we are now and for that I'm very grateful. A lot of forums don't last very long in this day and age, with usually the host being overly ambitious and not being deal with the upkeep that comes with running a website, and I won't lie I somewhat fell into this category of individuals admittedly: I didn't like the monopoly Discord and Reddit had on casual online interactions and wanted to make something of my own, and as time went on and I realized what this endeavor would entail from me in the long-term I can't lie a part of me did think is this really worth it and should I just abandon this idea to contribute to a currently existing site or focus my time and energy elsewhere instead? All those thoughts crossed through my mind and there were moments I wanted to give up and I could have, a big YouTuber who took an interest in the forum (who won't be named out of respect) even offered to take this place off me, a move which though would have help it's growth immensely would have in hindsight changed the nature and theme of the site entirely as he wanted to change the branding and theme to reflect his own. As you can see, since this thread exists, both of the former things never happened and I'm glad it didn't as if it did the forum wouldn't be around today.

It has been an interesting first year for the forum, with eccentric, weird, obnoxious, cool, and insightful individuals coming and going, and many great discussions being had, and I hope we can continue this trend going into the next year of the forum's life, eventually before you know it we will be reaching the forum's second anniversary and having grown even more as a forum. I hope I can continue making this site great for you fellas as it's been a pleasure running this place for you guys as you're what makes this forum a awesome place to be around.

A special thanks also to our patreons and those who have spread word of the forum throughout the net, without your efforts to contribute to the site it wouldn't be where it is now.

Let's have a great next year on the Mariana Bay. Below share your favorite experiences on the forum or memories you've had here so far, or just birthday wishes if that's more your thing.

P.S. Those who post below today and tomorrow will get a special birthday cake badge so don't miss out!​
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