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Rant I hate these kinds of talks


El Bandito
Marianan ID
Nov 17, 2023
Reaction score
I absolutely despise the modern approach to discussing/"solving" the problems of the world.
That is, by talking about peoples and individuals as if you were some kind of deity beyond this realm of existence.
I've usually encountered two examples on my life:

Example 1: some physical problem in the world​

Usually that has something to do with war, materialism, shortage of resources, whatever whatever in the current climate...

Two people start talking about some sort of conflict in some far side of the world. Neither of them seem to understand the underlying problem imposed (which in the real world is very hard to do, if not impossible, because we aren't 100% neutral deities, and for the majority of the time there really isn't a justifiable response to a problem), and the worse of all is: both of them know nothing about the place they are talking about. That is, it's history, culture, language, and in some cases even where is the place they are talking about, so much less know a single individual from there, either famous, from history or just a commoner.

This sort of dialogue (if one could even consider it) has become quite a staple in conversations that I faced nowadays.
A form of ignorant self-imposition of a world view that individuals have over some topic that either:
a) doesn't concern their lives;
b) they have no experience with;
c) they are powerless to do something about.

"X people are killing Y people, and that's bad... ; This Z thing is terrible!" Says the man who proceeds to go home, and drink copious amounts of alcohol to cope with the pains of his day-to-day life.

Example 2: meta-humanistic talk​

These usually have something to do with the discussion of people's trends, mentality, and costumes over the passing of time.
Topics that are related to it: philosophy (existencialism or some crap like that), politics (of course), and problems that affect groups (racism or gender inequality) or individuals (inceldom, feminism, or whatever else).
What is important in these kind of talks is that, just like the first example, absolutely nothing is being to done accomplish anything. Just some kind of endless mind fog of ineffectuality.

These things can even be done with topics that are or sound worthwhile discussing, however depending on individual's own senses of self-esteem, ethics, morals and background as whole, it can become absolutely meaningless to discuss.
The underlying order of poisoning one's sense of importance in the world

I just don't know anymore... it's better to rant than become this self eroding human being. Still, I'm curious to see if have any of you experienced something similar in your lives?
first (blog)post btw, and my bad for any problems in the writing: English is not my first language.


Marianan ID
Oct 16, 2023
Reaction score
You know that saying "Strong men create good times; good times create weak men"? I think all humans have a subconscious need to experience war or hardship so when the "good times" have gone on too long, we do things like overanalyze bullshit that doesn't effect us just because we ready about it in the news. I get the vibe you're talking about people's attitude towards Isreal VS. Palestine or Ukraine VS. Russia -- people act like you have to chose a side like its some sort of sportsball game.

Also, there is nothing wrong with contemplation and existentialism but yeah, people who treat philosophy as some sort of personality accessory are annoying. Typically those are psueds looking for reasons to feel better than everyone else despite leading the same, meaningless existence.
Last edited:


Hells Janitor
Marianan ID
Apr 8, 2023
Reaction score
I absolutely despise the modern approach to discussing/"solving" the problems of the world.
That is, by talking about peoples and individuals as if you were some kind of deity beyond this realm of existence.
I've usually encountered two examples on my life:

Example 1: some physical problem in the world​

Usually that has something to do with war, materialism, shortage of resources, whatever whatever in the current climate...

Two people start talking about some sort of conflict in some far side of the world. Neither of them seem to understand the underlying problem imposed (which in the real world is very hard to do, if not impossible, because we aren't 100% neutral deities, and for the majority of the time there really isn't a justifiable response to a problem), and the worse of all is: both of them know nothing about the place they are talking about. That is, it's history, culture, language, and in some cases even where is the place they are talking about, so much less know a single individual from there, either famous, from history or just a commoner.

This sort of dialogue (if one could even consider it) has become quite a staple in conversations that I faced nowadays.
A form of ignorant self-imposition of a world view that individuals have over some topic that either:
a) doesn't concern their lives;
b) they have no experience with;
c) they are powerless to do something about.

"X people are killing Y people, and that's bad... ; This Z thing is terrible!" Says the man who proceeds to go home, and drink copious amounts of alcohol to cope with the pains of his day-to-day life.

Example 2: meta-humanistic talk​

These usually have something to do with the discussion of people's trends, mentality, and costumes over the passing of time.
Topics that are related to it: philosophy (existencialism or some crap like that), politics (of course), and problems that affect groups (racism or gender inequality) or individuals (inceldom, feminism, or whatever else).
What is important in these kind of talks is that, just like the first example, absolutely nothing is being to done accomplish anything. Just some kind of endless mind fog of ineffectuality.

These things can even be done with topics that are or sound worthwhile discussing, however depending on individual's own senses of self-esteem, ethics, morals and background as whole, it can become absolutely meaningless to discuss.
The underlying order of poisoning one's sense of importance in the world

I just don't know anymore... it's better to rant than become this self eroding human being. Still, I'm curious to see if have any of you experienced something similar in your lives?
first (blog)post btw, and my bad for any problems in the writing: English is not my first language.
View attachment 2592
all you have to do is stop caring , 9 times out of ten shit never comes up in real life and even when it does just remain neutral to the topic


El Bandito
Marianan ID
Nov 17, 2023
Reaction score
I absolutely despise the modern approach to discussing/"solving" the problems of the world.
That is, by talking about peoples and individuals as if you were some kind of deity beyond this realm of existence.
I've usually encountered two examples on my life:

Example 1: some physical problem in the world​

Usually that has something to do with war, materialism, shortage of resources, whatever whatever in the current climate...

Two people start talking about some sort of conflict in some far side of the world. Neither of them seem to understand the underlying problem imposed (which in the real world is very hard to do, if not impossible, because we aren't 100% neutral deities, and for the majority of the time there really isn't a justifiable response to a problem), and the worse of all is: both of them know nothing about the place they are talking about. That is, it's history, culture, language, and in some cases even where is the place they are talking about, so much less know a single individual from there, either famous, from history or just a commoner.

This sort of dialogue (if one could even consider it) has become quite a staple in conversations that I faced nowadays.
A form of ignorant self-imposition of a world view that individuals have over some topic that either:
a) doesn't concern their lives;
b) they have no experience with;
c) they are powerless to do something about.

"X people are killing Y people, and that's bad... ; This Z thing is terrible!" Says the man who proceeds to go home, and drink copious amounts of alcohol to cope with the pains of his day-to-day life.

Example 2: meta-humanistic talk​

These usually have something to do with the discussion of people's trends, mentality, and costumes over the passing of time.
Topics that are related to it: philosophy (existencialism or some crap like that), politics (of course), and problems that affect groups (racism or gender inequality) or individuals (inceldom, feminism, or whatever else).
What is important in these kind of talks is that, just like the first example, absolutely nothing is being to done accomplish anything. Just some kind of endless mind fog of ineffectuality.

These things can even be done with topics that are or sound worthwhile discussing, however depending on individual's own senses of self-esteem, ethics, morals and background as whole, it can become absolutely meaningless to discuss.
The underlying order of poisoning one's sense of importance in the world

I just don't know anymore... it's better to rant than become this self eroding human being. Still, I'm curious to see if have any of you experienced something similar in your lives?
first (blog)post btw, and my bad for any problems in the writing: English is not my first language.
View attachment 2592
This the cringiest post I've read from the entire year

The Human League

Active member
Marianan ID
Jan 7, 2025
Reaction score
You know that saying "Strong men create good times; good times create weak men"? I think all humans have a subconscious need to experience war or hardship so when the "good times" have gone on too long, we do things like overanalyze bullshit that doesn't effect us just because we ready about it in the news. I get the vibe you're talking about people's attitude towards Isreal VS. Palestine or Ukraine VS. Russia -- people act like you have to chose a side like its some sort of sportsball game.

Also, there is nothing wrong with contemplation and existentialism but yeah, people who treat philosophy as some sort of personality accessory are annoying. Typically those are psueds looking for reasons to feel better than everyone else despite leading the same, meaningless existence.
Get lost nihilist.
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