Empty thread
but emmmm
Unironically Barbie > Oppenheimer.
Spoilers lmao
3H long movies are just too long man. Also those jumps between past and present are tiring. Retrospective cuts are nice and all. But don't make whole movie around them. Whole movie boils down to "Oppie said something to Einstein and he got mad at some 3rd guy". Yeah sure I'm going to remember this random interaction at the start and follow subtle interactions and arguments between Oppie and 3rd guy through whole lenght of the movie. Whole buildup to the trinity test is absolute kino. With the tension, uncertanty because of the weather and stuff. I'm not a physicist (or a smart person in general) but all details and use of them to build that "post explosion suspence" is absolutely spot on.
I heard somewhere that this movie should've been split into 2 parts and I agree. first half feels really rushed with introduction of characters that are presented as important af, but are gone after 5 minutes.
Now to Barbie
Gosh I wish they were just that tiny bit more self-aware and made some reference to Ryan's older movies. Let's be honest. Many guys go to see Barbie because of Ryan. Even something like this (not the whole edit, just the quote in that scene)
would absolutely send it. Don't get me wrong, in today's world of forced memes and repeating templates it's great to see a movie which uses a joke 1-2 during a whole movie and that's it. From the start till the end it doesn't feel stale.
Expect for the last 15 minutes. Where movie reminds itself that it has to have a meaningful message to the audience. It's important to talk about "finding yourself" in the world of copycats and parasocial relations. Where people tend to follow and try to be like *insert random celebrity*. It just felt forced... Going from over the top recreation of D-day to musical to suddenly take a 180 turn and be like "Be nice to yourself, take care and do what YOU think is right". A bit meh.