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  1. Jundle

    City Pop Ginger Root Is Making an Animated Film

    Japanese/American artist Ginger Root most popularly known for his modern renditions of classic 70s and 80s Japanese City Pop seems to be producing an animated movie. So in honor of the trailer I figured a thread was due. Below are a few examples of his music and the trailer in question.
  2. Khastle

    Film FNAF Movie

    SPOILERS BELOW OK, so who saw it and what did you think?
  3. Khastle

    Film Barbenheimer

    BARBENHEIMER Anyone seen these two films yet and if so are they worth watching? I've heard Ken is badass and strong literally me material in his film which is hopeful news for that movie
  4. Khastle

    Film Sound of Freedom

    Has anyone seen this yet? I've heard it's supposed to be really good and that it's based on a true story so wanted to get some insights into it. Also the left hate it for some reason which is odd as its literally about a man saving children from sex traffickers, funny that they would have a...
  5. Khastle

    Film Italian Film Soundtracks

    Italian Film Soundtracks People seem to forget during the mid 20th century Italy had a booming film industry and holy moly there are some banger tunes from these movies that I want to share and dedicate this thread to:
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