@Punished_Senko What a refreshing video! What I thought would be a 30 minute video of some software geek bouncing around the issue was actually a well-articulated opinion piece that layed down the facts for what they are: IT autists need to be pushed back into lockers.
I agree 100% with the video in how technology companies and tech in general is allowed sink its claws into every faucet of society and warp it as it pleases without any regulatory body to stop them and no thought or care about the possible aftermath of such technology being introduced into the public sphere. Amazon has killed thousands of small businesses, Uber has gutted the taxi service, Tinder has ruined dating for millions, do these tech autists care? Not at all as they are just chasing a pay check and following the orders of a shadowy higher up who is controlling them with a Captain America Funko Pop on a stick.
There will eventually be push back and enforced regulation, especially with the whole AI revolution and how its gonna put people out of work and be used to spread misinformation, but it won't be a positive one and will only be used to push another thing IT autists that have come up with: Digital ID!
Sadly it feels like a situation we can hardly win and as the fella said in the video, technology will continue to become more and more shit.
All in all, great video and thanks for sharing it here. More and more people need to hear this message and most importantly: follow what these Tech CEOs do and not what they say. With how scummy modern technology is getting we need to push ourselves to use it less and find alternatives to these data-hoarding mainstream platforms; hell, these reasons is why I made Mariana Bay as I hate these IT overlords and I hate using their software.