Would you contact Duke Zepar if you knew he could get you any girl you want?

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yeah OP just try making a megathread if anything to post about the shit we can pin it on the paranormal board if you want , but try not to flood the board with too much threads as that can take the spotlight away from other ones
Decided I'm keeping everything as is and do not feel the above posts warranted their own individual threads. This is only being done to avoid your posts coming off as spammy and to allow others posts to be noticed and read, please post any rituals, curses, or magick in here from now on and only make a thread when it's something unique enough to make a completely separate topic on, thank you.
I'm going to post my masterpiece in this subforum soon and I want it to be it's own thread.
I'm going to post my masterpiece in this subforum soon and I want it to be it's own thread.
OK lad, we'll allow it, just make sure it has a good word count and images at least. Btw we do allow paranormal/occult article uploads on here too under "MB Files", make sure its your own writing ofc and it's long enough to warrant being an article.
damn how can you say the devil is real when this nigga is living in a 1 room apartment sitting on the floor praying to get more money. Clearly that nigga hasn't done shit for him ,pick a new god to worship.
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Noones stopping you from posting anything nor do we intend to, but you do realize doing retarded things will grant you retarded results. Of course you can shit on the counter and expect noone to care , but eventually people will make fun of your retarded ass. Now I don't have any intention of stopping you from shitting on the counter but I will make fun of you for doing so like everyone else is. Instead of whining like a bitch , you should probably tell us why shitting on the counter is a fine and normal thing to do , and maybe you'll get someone reasonable enough to hear you out. Maybe tell us the personal experiences you have with shitting on the counter and how it effected your life . Now with all discourse, not everyone will hear you out no matter how sound or logical your arguments are. Some people are too ignorant to be changed , but its better than shouting into the void hoping someone would care. In the end , you are trying to convince people that shitting on the counter is worth it , so you better do a good job at it.




Some more gay for your pagan gay.




This is what you actually get when you chant gay pagan shit..

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Crying about being mildly criticized for satanic sperging/trolling on the internet. > Doing 10 minutes of basic theological research behind your beliefs and realizing they are incoherent. :trollface:(y)
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You're free to post what you want but I'm sorry but a full grown man making moaning noises on his carpet acting like he is getting some insane head you can't expect me to not find funny as fuck, I didn't understand why that particular video needed it's own thread initially too lmao. Again, you're free to post that here but everyone is free to laugh at it, even if we don't understand it particularly, as that's the point of open forum with free discussions on these matters, it's light banter and the more you rage when people don't take it seriously the more people will laugh harder, its just how the internet works.
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Also don't forget that some of you are bringing ur biased religious opinions into here and starting arguments for some reason instead of respecting other people's beliefes if I were to tell you that I'm a heathen and I showed you the blot you would probably laugh or say it's cool or "How could you do that" idk point is try to be open minded and even if you do not agree with his religious beliefes let him be
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Also don't forget that some of you are bringing ur biased religious opinions into here and starting arguments for some reason instead of respecting other people's beliefes if I were to tell you that I'm a heathen and I showed you the blot you would probably laugh or say it's cool or "How could you do that" idk point is try to be open minded and even if you do not agree with his religious beliefes let him be
I'll be a man about it and admit you have a point, I saw what I was doing as light teasing but same time I don't want the guy to feel like he can't talk about his personal beliefs on here, as silly as I may find parts of them.
  • Groovy!
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Also don't forget that some of you are bringing ur biased religious opinions into here and starting arguments for some reason instead of respecting other people's beliefes if I were to tell you that I'm a heathen and I showed you the blot you would probably laugh or say it's cool or "How could you do that" idk point is try to be open minded and even if you do not agree with his religious beliefes let him be

Bro I literally do not have to respect your religion. 75% of the world is catholic pagan satanics, using the same symbols posted in OP. They traffic drugs, children, and drink blood. I'd axe their face on the battlefield. The nonsense bullshit you just said is some pathetic victim nonsense to make me feel guilty about that. I don't. I have no respect for your douche bag pagan religion of baphomet. Deal with it. DEAL WITH IT.

Even Jesus Christ flipped tables and punched the pagan snakes in the temple of God. God literally reigned fire on those bullshit symbols and pagan faggotry. And you want respect? For a religion that sacrifices children to Ba'al and Baphomet? WELL DOCUMENTED FACTS. Stfu. Just stfu...

How many babies dead in the name of the religion of science? Abortion, vaccines, and GMO syrup. Fuck off with your pagan shit.
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Bro I literally do not have to respect your religion. 75% of the world is catholic pagan satanics, using the same symbols posted in OP. They traffic drugs, children, and drink blood. I'd axe their face on the battlefield. The nonsense bullshit you just said is some pathetic victim nonsense to make me feel guilty about that. I don't. I have no respect for your douche bag pagan religion of baphomet. Deal with it. DEAL WITH IT.

Even Jesus Christ flipped tables and punched the pagan snakes in the temple of God. God literally reigned fire on those bullshit symbols and pagan faggotry. And you want respect? For a religion that sacrifices children to Ba'al and Baphomet? WELL DOCUMENTED FACTS. Stfu. Just stfu...

How many babies dead in the name of the religion of science? Abortion, vaccines, and GMO syrup. Fuck off with your pagan shit.
You literally proved my point also how many christians killed people “in the name of god” in modern times? Some of them even support the idea of having sex with children please stop saying that you religion is perfect cause it’s not i also don’t want to make you feel guilty because that was not the point of it anyway if I were to attack your god and say he’s shit and doesn’t exist you would literally type 5 paragraphs defending ur religion and I wouldn’t care + this is what religion is after all to bring people together and for some it might even help them find peace he didn’t attack your religion you did Stop being so hardcore just because of your beliefs
Humankind at its peak fighting over beliefs just like in 1096
Here's my view: Nagolbud and others are free to express on here what they think of these beliefs system and don't necessarily have to respect them neither and likewise The Devil is free to criticise their beliefs also, I don't want to dissuade that right to do so on this forum, however same time we should endeavour to be civil about it and have mature discussions on why one side thinks the other is wrong other than just blatant teasing and name calling, though again you're free to do so within reason especially if the other side starts it. What I'm trying to say here is we need a healthy balance of banter and actual mature discussions on these matters otherwise we all look a bit immature and not willing to have intelligent discourse on this topics which may put off people off expressing themselves in the first place which is not what I want as I want this place be an open forum where people can feel free to discuss their beliefs without feeling under extreme scrutiny for doing so as that's not what this place is about.
  • Chad
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You literally proved my point also how many christians killed people “in the name of god” in modern times? Some of them even support the idea of having sex with children please stop saying that you religion is perfect cause it’s not i also don’t want to make you feel guilty because that was not the point of it anyway if I were to attack your god and say he’s shit and doesn’t exist you would literally type 5 paragraphs defending ur religion and I wouldn’t care + this is what religion is after all to bring people together and for some it might even help them find peace he didn’t attack your religion you did Stop being so hardcore just because of your beliefs
Humankind at its peak fighting over beliefs just like in 1096

I'm not a Christian and I had nothing to do with the catholic pagan crusades. Nice ad hominem.

Everything you list as "christian" is in fact PAGAN. Nice try, but this is delusional word salad bullshit. Secular statists / satanic pagans / have killed more babies than any religion has killed in war. You faggots are up to like 60 million abortions in the USA alone. Just stfu with your retard shit and go kill some more children for moloch and ba'al.


^ literally your gay ass little symbols posted in OP.


And that's exactly why God commanded the invasion of Canaan. Fuck satanic pagan child sacrifices. The shit you're posting is literally a religion of child sacrifices, death, and self mutilating, including androgynes and trannies cutting off their balls and cocks.
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  • Soy
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