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Hobby Logic Notes


Out, out! Brief candle
Marianan ID
Aug 2, 2023
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What is logic? Simply put, the purpose of logic is to sort out the good arguments from the poor ones.

the chief concern of logic is the structure of an argument.

1. Argument: any group of propositions of which one is claimed to follow logically from the others.

a. In logic, the normal sense of "argument," such as my neighbor yelling to me about my trashcans is not termed "an argument" in logic.

b. By "argument," we mean a demonstration or a proof of some statement, not emotional language. E.g., "That bird is a crow; therefore, it's black."

The central parts of an argument include;

a. Premiss: (more usually spelled "premise") a proposition which gives reasons, grounds, or evidence for accepting some other proposition, called the conclusion.

b. Conclusion: a proposition, which is purported to be established on the basis of other propositions.

If we set our ideals too High, then we will Not meet those ideals.

If we do Not meet those ideals, then we are Less than we could be.

If we are Less than we could be, then we Feel inferior.​

If we set ideals too High, then we Feel inferior.

1.By convention, the reasons or premisses are set above a line that separates the premisses from the conclusion. The line is sometimes thought of as symbolizing the word "therefore" in ordinary language.

2.As you read the passage and come to understand it, you are undergoing a psychological process called "making the inference."

a. An inference is the reasoning process by which a logical relation is understood.

b. The logical relation is considered valid (good) or not valid (not good) even if we do not understand the inference right away. In other words, it is convenient to consider the logical relation as not being dependent for its validity on the psychological process of an inference.

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