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Vaporwave [2021] Memoryhead - Destroyer

MemoryHead 記念頭部

Well-known member
Marianan ID
Jun 29, 2023
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Dropped this about 2 years ago. Went through a VW phase and put this out. Leave me some comments. Weed recommended (jk). I'll give a brief rundown on some of the songs

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the release it is free, but donos are accepted and appreciated. Thanks dawgs

Tobu: Was experimenting a lot with retro gaming sound fonts . this one was built around the sega genesis soundchip. "Tobu" means "flight" in japanese iirc

Blue Ginger: dont remember too much about the inspiration here. i had a shampoo that had blue ginger in it, so that was where the title was born. i think the seed for this song was some video game, but i legit cannot remember which one

Audrey Hepburn Is Dead: the first and only girl i ever loved had a serious Audrey Hepburn vibe in looks and classiness. a very classic and "plain" kind of beauty. this title reflects the way she changed after time and i realized that the girl i loved was dead, she was totally a different person. many years on (song was completed many years after it was conceptualized) it turned out this is true

break and enter: just one of my favorite all time jams ive done. this is one of those ones where it was like, everything just came to me. every now and then, there are songs you dont have to work for, theyre just there. break and enter was def one of those

Stef: this was a re-recording of an old song of mine. the title was because i really really really wanted to sleep with a girl named stephanie. it did not work out with stephanie lol

Temple: another re-record. the original version was heavily inspired by Prince's "The Cross". as if often the case, you can use another song as a seed, and you chane a little here a little there and you get a brand new song. pull up prince's "the cross"....any similarities to your ears? xD

Wonderswan: listening to a lot RnB at the time. wonderswan was a cool retro handheld game system, i think meant to be a compeition to the gameboy. just thought it sounded cool

Crisp: nothing special about this one that i can remember, unfortunately

Navajo White: another one that just came to me. didnt have to do much. Navajo White is the color present on the Navajo nation flag. It looks like this

Venom Kiss: The audrey hepburn girl...yeah another song about her. the venom kiss was the kiss she gave me and how it just went into my goddamn blood and it fucked me up for a long long time
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