biden has to go. both ukraine and this are directly his fault. his admin gave $6billion to iran, obama gave them pallets of dollars
jesus spoke about these wars, and more to come, 2000 years ago. there is no going back to how things were before. this is the end
people have been saying "this is the end" for a long time....and its been true. the "end" has been precipitous and exponential, it builds on itself. nowhere does God say "the end" will be one particular event or day. it is always told as a series or chain of events.
there are specific prophecies about both fo these wars. The bible mentions wars at the end times involving the sons of Gomer (gomer was the son of japheth and grandson of noah. he went north and founded europe, he is the forefather of white skinned people. germanic peoples trace their lineage to gomer). they also talk about Gog and Magog (long thought to be where modern day russia and the soveit block states are...seems to be turning out that way)
there are also of course specific prophecies surround israel and the jews, everything from the date of israels founding in 1948, to the name of it's first prime minister, to the revival of hebrew as a language, to the jews returning there in disbelief/un-faith of god, to the british being the ones to bring the first jews back to israel, its all there.. the yom kippur war and the holocaust are both talked about in the bible (Micah 5:5 and Ezekiels prophecy of the dry bones, respectively)
nothing is going to get better from here, guys
here are some other prophecies that the bible talks about, and this isnt even mentioning the next holocaust that's coming after the rapture:
the west bank wil become and independent state, israel will have 3 more wars with syria/syrians, there will be a lebenanon-jordan war, damascus will get destroyed, there will be a full-scale war with russia AFTER the next israeli war
im telling you bros, get your house in order, you dont wanna be here when shit really hits the fan