Jungle Fatigue Vol. 2
By Jungle Fatigue Kru
By Jungle Fatigue Kru

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Hello, and welcome back to another album review. Here's a gem I found on Bandcamp awhile back called Jungle Fatigue Vol. 2 that I have been meaning to do a review of for awhile now but have forgot until now. Likewise with the previous album, Jungle Fatigue Vol. 1, Jungle Fatigue Vol. 2 is a compliation album of various Jungle artists and their respective music. Since it is a compliation piece of different artists of various styles, how well does each track hold up and will you get fatigue listening to this album? Let's find out!
The Cover Art
First off, I have to cover the album's artwork. Created by the album's compiler and producer Sawteeth, already off the bat you're drawn to this album as it's retro early 2000s aesthetic is awesome, one of those covers you see while browsing and just know this album is going to be fire. The bright but sublime colours, the two frogs with one as a DJ while the other lights up a cigarette, and silly looking tadpoles on the side, it's a seriously eye catching and great album cover all together. I'm quite glad to have bought the casette while it was on sale as this will look awesome in my collection.
The Music
There is 17 tracks overall on this album, all of quite equal quality in my personal opinion though some are definitely more notable than others, which are the ones I'm going to give extra attention to. The first song, Accelio - Midnight Noir (Extended Mix), is s brilliant starting track that gives a very a good feel on what to expect from rest of the album as it does encapsulate the general vibe the album is going for. The following two tracks are good too but I need to say the fourth track in the album, "Architecture - Needs", is straight up just awesome: fast-paced but laidback, it's one of the best songs in this compilation and "Sawteeth - Missing Link" is a very satisfactory follow up track. "Pulsar One - Feel the Drums" deserves a mention also, I have to say I'm not a fan of the talking mid way through the track but other than that it's gold and I hope to hear more from this artist if there's a Jungle Fatigue Vol. 3 . One track I do not see other reviewers of the album talking about much is gu-100's Atlanta 41 and it seems to one of the album's black sheep which is a shame as I think it's a really cool piece and the mix of hiphop elements within the track is very a unique approach, reflecting the title's name Atlanta 41 as the city is known for it's hip hop and rap scene. I think whatever you taste is though, if you like good Jungle music then you'll enjoy this album as it has something that will appeal to anyone.
All in all, Jungle Fatigue Vol. 2 is a brilliant addition to the online amateur Jungle scene and I look forward to what Sawteeth and his affiliated artists put together next as this album is a banger, and I can't really fault any of the songs on it as they are all very easy listening and great pieces of music altogether. Definitely give this one a listen and send these fellas some support if you can as I'd love to hear more from them in the future.
Final Verdict