If you've been on this forum for the smallest ammount of time you'd know im quite notorious for my spergatry every few months or so. You might've even noticed an absence of threads in the past months. This is because I got a good portion of my life together, of course im too fucking autistic and...
Im not suicidal and i don't really feel like killing myself but damn has the past few months been really fuckin demoralizing , just shit in life and my own stagnation has caused me to not really value life recently , I am what the buzzword retards on tiktok would call "low inhibition". Nothing...
The tears you weep, cannot be there with you when you sleep.
Stop wishing for death and for things that will never come,
labor for it or your day is done, people are not likable is man’s common flaw.
Life is a created hell which leaves us sad at dawn,
Life is unbearable because of one...
Out of curiosity, how are users on the Mariana Bay finding life at the moment? What I mean is how are you finding your current quality of living? Are you in your prime, downfall, limbo, etc.
Looking back at my life, to be honest I've never been better. I have good friends, I go out most...