Mariana Bay

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  1. Khastle

    Gaming DragonQuest: The OG RPG Series

    DragonQuest General Thought I'd make a thread for all things DragonQuest as I've been playing the original Monster game as of late. Discuss all main series games, spinoffs, movies, etc, in this thread and your experiences and memories with the franchise. I personally started with 9 on the DS...
  2. Paei Kazy

    Casual What Vidya Games Are You Playing?

    what video games have you all been playing? recently ive been playing pokemon (radical red), rimworld, some beta minecraft, and chess Pokemon Radical Red is a Mod of Fire Red that vastly improves the game in many ways, including adding all other pokemon from other games and several QOL features...
  3. ThirdyAughtSix

    Gaming Old hangout games as an asethetic (roblox blockland etc)

    In the era where constant information and content is being pumped directly into our brains at all waking moments of the day we lose a sort of connection with reality and people around us. Being entertained is much easier and being bored is almost an impossibility with constant stream of shit...
  4. Khastle

    Gaming Nintendo Direct

    Usually I don't watch these as I hate Nintendo these day but oh fuck Metroid Prime 4 :beemovieaaa::beemovieaaa::beemovieaaa::beemovieaaa::beemovieaaa::dreamywow: I really oughta play through 1 again and finish 2 and 3 eventually. The new Mario & Luigi game looks cool too Anyone else see...
  5. Khastle

    Gaming N64 Recomps: N64 Games Being Made Native to PC!

    Another piece of really cool tech I've come across, this relatively new one essentially translates original N64 to C and can do this in seconds, with certain games even receiving raytracing, shadows, and other enhancements. The fact N64 emulation has annoyed people to the point where they are...
  6. Admiral

    Gaming Semi-obscure vidya you've genuinely enjoyed playing

    In this thread I'd like to share my personal favorite obscure/unpopular vidyas. Feel free to reply with your own, don't forget to give a quick review/description/criticism. Screenies and gameplay footage is appreciated. Starsector - a bastard child of Mount & Blade and Stellaris Sci-Fi based...
  7. Khastle

    Gaming E3 is dead After all these years E3 has...
  8. Khastle

    Gaming GTA VI Trailer

    So, who's hyped for this? I've never been big on the GTA series but the reveal was big enough news that its worth sharing on here.
  9. Khastle

    Gaming Videogame Soundfont Album Remixes

    Videogame Soundfont Remixes As of recent I've come across remixes of albums based off the soundfonts of different games, usually these are made with the use of AI and music editing software, and some of the results I have seen have been awesome. I made this thread so I could share some of them...
  10. Khastle

    Gaming Dagothposting

    Dagothposting I love this fella, post memes and all things related to him in this thread.
  11. Khastle

    Gaming Videogame Music Exchange

    Videogame Music Exchange How the hell has this not been made yet? Post banging vidya game music in here, thx.
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