Mariana Bay

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  1. Dwayne

    Serious Criticisms of the Bay & How We Can Improve

    Criticisms of the Bay and How We Can Improve Morning all, I made this post to go over the main criticisms our forum gets and how we can improve going forward so this site can be even better going forward. 2024 approaches soon and by April time this forum will be over a year which is crazy to...
  2. Dwayne

    Serious Critical Observations of the Mariana Bay's Progress & How to Improve Going Onward

    Observational Report on the Mariana Bay's Current Progress & Growth Hello all, I thought I'd write up a progress report to document how the Mariana Bay is progressing and how we can improve. I'll cover what's being done well, what's ok but not great, and what's frankly bad and needs immediate...
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