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Herald of the Mariana
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Christianity General
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Quite fitting I start this thread on the day of the Lord and Savior's resurrection. This thread is for all things to do with Christianity i.e theology, artwork, bible study, religious discussion, etc. Wherever you be Protestant, Catholic or even Orthodox, this thread is for us to all come together to praise our Lord Jesus Christ. If you haven't accepted Jesus yet we would be more than happy to help with that tpp and answer any questions you may have. God bless and I hope this become one of our biggest threads on the forum as the word of God must be spread more, definitely in these perilous times.
Can't believe some days that Jesus died for my sins, it's a crazy feeling as I do not deserve it and though I'm not a monster some things I've done in my past were just silly and not right, yet Jesus forgives it all. God is good and though I'll always be a sinner Jesus is always at my side. So great and humble is our Lord.
Very cool that a christian general exists on this forum.

I personally am (a long-time) christian, albeit a churchless one, therefore I can't really be considered catholic even if I believe the lore of catholicism rather than orthodoxy (which I don't have a problem with mind you), while also believing that religion and science are, contrary to most people's belief, entertwined and complete each other (I consider that God created the Big Bang, DNA [search the topic "funvax" on youtube, interesting yet blackpill-like watch], etc).

Also, near-death-experiences (<- link) are a medical phenomenon that complete what religion has been saying for millenias/dozens of thousands of years, that there is an afterlife, testimonies also are all very similar despite all witnesses never having interacted with each other, some even being former atheists. I pray often yet always at home, and study bible from time to time. I do still recognize the commandments, sins, and such, even if i'm churchless, I still apply the principles and commandments (as well as avoiding fornication and denying temptation).

I don't recognize the legitimacy of the clergy, the popes (which, if one digged well enough, will find that they are everything BUT christians, in fact are very much the opposite), or churches, their way of functionning and interpretation going much against the bible's teachings, the commandments and so on, i.e bible forbidding idolatry yet practising it daily, like representing the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ and such in the form of painting, statues and idols despite the bible explicitly saying "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below (Exodus 20:4)" as well as several other verses (Micah 5:13, Jonah 2:8, Psalm 135:15 ...), same for doing the sign of the cross when entering a church while staring at a statue of the holy mary.

But that includes the clergy selling pieces of papers, 'indulgences' to "reduce the time you will pass in the purgatory if you go there" like some sort of cheat code that relies neither on holiness, redemption or anything, just give sheckels and here you go, all good man. Or the "funeral offerings/stipends" where the day someone undergoes a funeral at a catholic church, there is a possibility that the priests will ask for money, putting down an object such as a hat where you can put a few dollars, bills, etc (and since most people generally do it during a funeral, you are expected of doing it). I found it to be quite a strange thing to do the day someone must be mourned, at least in my perspective. That and the legalization of faggotry marriage, going against many verses and teachings in the bible. But I could keep blabbering for a long time.
(End of Rant)

In any case, i'm glad you found our lord, brothers in Christ. :chad:
Amen brother
A few weeks later I had a dream, there was this house and there was three windows with three people within it, I appear in the room once and the room was dirty and had a odd feeling, the second time I appear and I saw that there was a bag, opening it there was satanic symbolism, I said "who's was this?" and a voice replied "someone who wanted power", I leave the room and before I appear in the room for the third and last time, I was in a room with people as we were there one person said "guys did you see that. the bag moved on its own!" I immediately said "we have to throw these away!", I appear in the room for the third and last time as I am there a terrible presence comes over me, I turn to the right and there is a room connected to the room I'm in, and as I go towards it, towards the window, I say "Jesus Christ be with me this moment" and a gong sound is made and I awoke.
Protestantism is the commitment to the word and takes the word as being literal. Non prots look to people other than god or create their own interpretation to justify beliefs that they made up, catholics being the biggest example
I am not Catholic nor Orthordox or planning to be one. I don't follow christianity, I follow Jesus Christ.

Read James 2:24 Today, here's a visualized image of bits of protestantism leaving my body:

View attachment 3519
Also I said this because most prots believe in "salvation by faith alone"
Isn't faith without work = dead (faith)?
(I'm a convert, so I'm still new to all of this)
Depends on what you mean by work. If your work includes circumcision, rituals, etc, that has nothing to do with faith. Jesus argued with the pharisees about this and explained this to apostles as well, and Peter details this in the epistles. It's about what is in your heart and trust in God above all.

Think of it this way: say there was a man who observed gods laws perfectly except for 1 thing. He wasn't circumcised...would God condemn him? Conversely, let's say a man is a serial killer, do you think he is saved because he is circumcised?

The pharisees tried this kind of thing on jesus and jesus response was "God could turn these rocks into children of Abraham if that's what mattered". The pharisees argued that because they were related to abraham, they had an auto win for God's favor

Another example is when Jesus sees the zealots on the street praising God loudly and Jesus called them hypocrites because God was not in their hearts and they thought speaking God loud enough is how he measured your praise.

It's about what's in the heart, not what's going on with your flesh
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If everything goes well, I will be baptized on the Easter Vigil this year! Two years ago, when my conversion first started, I had so much to learn about Christianity intellectually. There's still much for me to learn of course, but now I feel the need to learn how to improve my spiritual connection to God the most. I still feel so clumsy about spirituality, I suppose. But I am thankful for my heart to have been softened.

Lord, although I don't feel worthy, please help me to deepen my love for You and for all of Your creations.

Just found out about this Japanese gigachad who gave his life to Christ and managed to convince several women to follow Christ's teachings and stay with him on a commune. Weirdly enough despite the media's claims of him being a serial pervert and deranged cult leader he was actually a nice guy and even after the police tried arresting him for these apparent claims and him having to go on the run they found him completely innocent, and his Christian commune in Japan still exists to this day even after his death in 2001

>be me yesterday
>in another vc with a group of muslims and christian debating
>didnt speak up since I was hogging (eating)
"pls explain trinity"
>one of us explains
"errrrrr nope! pegan!"
>he explains over and over
>le other guy switches le story
"Errrrrr how old was Ahazia when he became king bro... cause uhhhh 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 lole!"
>It's le copyist's error
>he tries to explain but can't cause he's still studying the bible
"Inshallah, Islam is le correct"

Is it over for us bros...
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