Mariana Bay

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  1. Dwayne

    Announcement The MarianaCast is back on Spotify!

    For reasons stated elsewhere I had to reupload our podcast to Spotify which is a bit annoying but oh well, these things happen. But yes, now all episodes are uploaded back onto Spotify! I'm releasing them on a daily basis as that's suppose to be better for the algorithm but by the end of the...
  2. Khastle

    Radio & Podcasts True Capitalist Radio

    True Capitalist Radio/The Ghost Show True Capitalist Radio, what an internet classic. For the uninformed, True Capitalist Radio is an online broadcast that began way back in 2008 and contrary to many internet shows still runs to this day, though usually under the name of the Ghost Show...
  3. Bibr

    Content Creation Small content dump by Bibr

    Sup everyone, A while back I mentioned in the chat that I was going to be doing a podcast with my friend. It's finally time to share it with you all. It's in Polish, so most of our talk will sound like a gibberish, but for anyone interested, here's a list of the songs we played...
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