I've been watching a lot of nonce hunting videos recently and find them to be amusing background noise. For those unfamiliar, nonce hunting is a well renowned British sport where pedos get baited with fake profiles of what they believe to be young children and then dragged outside, and recorded...
Since this is now an option on here I've decided to make a thread dedicated to sharing webms you've found funny, interesting, cool, cozy, etc. Yes, you'll need the V.I.P. role (or above) to upload a webm to this thread but you can still respond as normal with other mediums.
I'll start:
OK lads who is, or are, your favourite YouTubers?
Mine has to be Count Dankula at the moment, watched his Ruby Ridge coverage the other day and it was class:
He is genuinely one of last politically incorrect popular YouTubers on the platform who still makes high-quality videos. His older...